Re: GOD...defined

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Posted by Amanda on January 06, 1997 at 07:42:27:

In Reply to: Re: GOD...defined posted by grasshopper on January 05, 1997 at 20:48:33:

: :
: But you say the evidence is against there being a god and I just don't
: see that...of course I cannot present evidence for a god, or against.
: I don't put any 'stock' into my senses or this 'reality' that is
: why I do not put faith into science.

Well, of course I think you're an idiot for not putting a little 'faith' in science but then again - that's my opinion. By faith I mean belief in this case - science as an effective tool towards understanding and interpreting reality has by far proven to be our best thus far. Do you have any complaints about it or are you just being consisitent in your 'belief in nothing' stance?
As for the proof against any gods - here's a bit....
It seems fairly obvious to me that the god in man's image that has been popular through the ages is just another antropomorphic view of things - our imaginations at work.
Now that we have plausible theories to explain pretty much how things got started and led to today without needing a god - and these hypotheses and theories have evidence to back them up whereas the god hypothesis doesn't - I sway in the direction of the evidence.
In terms of the variety of gods around there's evidence against the likeliness of each and every one -
Jehovah the god of Judaism was a nasty son of a bitch - genesis has been disproven many times over and the stories of the OT seem nothing more than good fiction or at best accounts of real people and their delusions.
The unnamed God of the Christian religion is just a take off from Jehovah with a little more lovin' but still - creation of man was disproven by evolution and the heavens aren't where they said they were ETC...
Ra the sun God of the Egyptians is probably one of the most rational as the Pagans saw the sun as necessary for their health and survival so thought it was a God - fit the times, explained the mysteries but no need for that myth anymore.
Allah - just another take off of Jehovah.
Apollo - clearly not real.
And on and on and on....
I've yet to encounter a God that can make sense in the world we live in today.

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